

11 October 2023
Soviet space heritage. Part 1: infrastructure

The triumphs of Soviet space would never have taken place without Ukraine. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the now-independent Ukraine had at its full disposal the entirety of the former Soviet space and rocketry infrastructure. This legacy turned out to be one of the heaviest burdens.

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04 October 2023
The mystery of Saturn’s rings: History of the study of the sixth planet

Saturn is often called the most beautiful planet in the solar system. One can see why even through a small telescope. The planet’s famous rings give it a special charm found in no other celestial body in our solar system. In this article, we’ll talk about how humanity has studied Saturn

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27 September 2023
China’s space program. Part 4: Making Mars even redder

The Planetary Exploration of China program, also known as Tīanwen, intends to start journey on Mars. The Red Planet is just the first on the list of candidate planets in China’s research program. CNSA plans to further include Jupiter and other planets of the Solar System in this list.

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21 September 2023
Meeting the king of the solar system: The history of the study of Jupiter

Jupiter is truly huge. It is the solar system’s largest planet, with a mass 2.5 times greater than the mass of all the other seven planets combined. In this article, we will analyze how humanity has explored Jupiter and discuss plans to study it in the near future.

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14 September 2023
China’s space program. Part 3: growing lead in the lunar race

Chinese space has already cleared the escape velocity. This is clearly visible through the prism of China’s lunar and Mars programs. These planetary missions are now a showcase for the effectiveness of Beijing’s space policy. Today we will talk about the Chinese lunar program.

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06 September 2023
Futurological space structures, part 3: Dyson spheres and star machines

We have already talked about orbital settlement projects and a space elevator that a planetary-scale civilization could implement. In the last part of our series, we consider astrostructures which could be built by a civilization that has mastered all the resources of its star system.

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30 August 2023
Futurological space structures, part 2: space elevators

In order to start large-scale extraction of the Moon, humanity will have to build a full-fledged industry there, which involves the transportation of a large amount of cargo. The use of traditional chemical rockets is extremely expensive. Fortunately, humanity knows about a space elevator.

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23 August 2023
China’s space program, Part 2: The favorite in the new space race

New millennium was a golden time for the PRC’s space program. China invested in the creation of space technologies similar to those already existing in the West. Their strategy of borrowing turned out successfully. China has its own analogue of GPS, its own ISS, and a future alternative to Starlink

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16 August 2023
China’s space program. Part 1: From Total State Control to a Competitive Private Market

Since its launch in 1956, the space program of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has come a long way. The country’s first satellite launch in 1970 and subsequent decades of relative calm made China the most ambitious outsider in the space sector of the second half of the 20th century.

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